Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bad food writing

I love hawker centers. I love the how they lack pretension. Some of my best memories of Singapore are sitting in 40 degree weather, drinking beer, reeking of smoke because we sat too near the satay stand, our lips bright and oily. When I took Justin to Ghim Moh Market in Singapore, he was shocked at the grit and squalor. He was also shocked at how I didn't care about it--even though I'm a neat freak in Ithaca and have to have all my books in order and my shelves regularly dusted. It's funny. I've never seen Ghim Moh as dirty, I'm just used to it. I don't even think about it. It's one of those double standards that if you can't navigate, you end up an obnoxious snob. Shame on for having such a stupid and ridiculous review of hawker center prawn mee. He doesn't realize how embarrassing it is to try to describe hawker food like French cuisine, and neither does he realize how statements like

She’s more the turned-out-without-a-hair-out-of-place sort than the let’s-sit-around-in-singlets-and-shorts-that-are-way-too-small-for-me-do-you-like-my-tan type. Which is fine with me. Our little nation could do with more of the former and few less of the latter.

are utterly repulsive. I'm afraid elitism is just not classy. I forgot how obnoxious people could sound, when they can afford to sound like that. And if I put my moral repugnance aside, and take a more dispassionate stance, well, it's simply bad food reviewing.



Blogger coloured light said...

hate chubby hubby. atas fat man. too many of those in sg.

love you,

March 2, 2009 at 8:15 AM  
Blogger Dawn Lim said...

i know. i feel so stupid because i thought i liked it, until i realized from this entry, how utterly stupid it sounded. so irritating.

March 2, 2009 at 2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i kinda understand, i think i occasionally fall into the trap of fooling myself into believing that im somehow part of this mysterious elitist subgroup, when i am not, and really do not want to be, since they are made up of horrific, horrible, utterly recycled people. then i realise that would much rather say KNNCCB sometimes instead of something more refined. =))

writing essays is not fun. love you.

March 3, 2009 at 4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we're all our own individuals; screw groupings.

and knnbccb is probably the most awesome swear word around. also i ve started propagating wah law everywhere i go.


March 15, 2009 at 3:36 PM  

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